
How To Add A Border In Adobe Acrobat Pro Dc

(Archives) Adobe Acrobat ix Pro: PDF Forms: Working with Text Fields

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Text fields allow users to input variable information on PDF files, for instance, information that is not constant or that cannot be predetermined with radio button choices, such every bit a proper name, department, or phone number. It as well allows y'all to create text areas where users tin can write comments. This certificate explains how to create and delete text fields in a PDF form.


When text fields are used in online forms, they let users to type their ain answers or submit comments. When using text fields, it is important to empathise how the name value works.

The name for a text field identifies the information y'all are prompting the user for or what question yous are asking them to answer. For example, a text field requesting a user's city of residence may accept the name "city," which volition correspond to the value of the text field: the user'southward urban center of residence.

Well-nigh the Font Size Holding in Text Fields

Determining if the font size should be fixed or varied visually affects the overall impression of your form, specially when there are a lot of text boxes within the PDF form. If the font size is left equally Car, the text size varies; that is, it is adjusted as the user completes the text field. For example, if the user has a long name and a short text box, the font volition get smaller as he/she types, so information technology all fits within the text box; notwithstanding, if the user has a curt name in a short text box, the characters might not need to adjust to fit within the text field boundaries. The repetition of these possibilities may upshot in text fields with varying font sizes.

RECOMMENDATION: Select a fixed font size and adapt the size of the text fields to arrange the amount of information anticipated when you lot are creating text fields.

Creating a Text Field

Text fields are used for open-concluded questions and short answers (e.g., name) where the user will type their response.

  1. Open the PDF file that you will use the grade for.

  2. From the Forms menu, select Add or Edit Fields...

  3. From the Add New Field pull-downwards menu, select Prove Tools on Toolbar .
    The Forms toolbar appears.
    forms toolbar

  4. Click Text Field Tool. text field tool
    HINT: The cursor changes to a cross hairs. The cross hairs permit you to align the field with the ruler, text, or another field.

  5. Position the cursor where you want the text field to begin.

  6. Click and drag the mouse until the text field reaches desired size.

  7. Release the mouse button.
    The Field Proper name entry box appears.
    field name

  8. In the Field Name text box, type a name that identifies the text box.
    NOTE: For text boxes, the Field Proper name should draw the data requested.

  9. To edit additional backdrop of this form field, click Testify All Backdrop.
    The Text Field Properties dialog box appears.
    text field properties

  10. Select the General tab.

  11. (Optional) In the Tooltip text box, blazon a tip for users explaining what they should enter in the text field.
    EXAMPLE: If you have a text field box named Section, your tip might be, "Enter the department you work for."

  12. Select the Appearance tab.

  13. In the Borders and Colors department, from the Border Color box, select a color for the text field border.

  14. From the Line Thickness pull-downwards list, select the line thickness for the border.

  15. From the Fill up Colour box, select the color to fill up the text field.
    NOTE: If you select a color for your text field, you will non be able to meet any graphics backside it.

  16. From the Line Style pull-downwards menu, select the style of the text field edge.

  17. In the Text section, from the Font Size pull-down listing, select a font size.
    NOTE: For information about how font size affects your form, refer to About the Font Size Holding in Text Fields in a higher place.

  18. From the Text Color box, select the desired color.

  19. On the Options tab, from the Alignment pull-down list, select an alignment.
    Annotation: Alignment applies to the text typed within the text box.
    text field properties options

  20. Select other options as desired.
    For a description of the options bachelor, refer to Course Field Options.

  21. To prevent adventitious changes to the text field, on the lesser left-hand side of the dialog box, select Locked .
    NOTE: The option is selected when a checkmark appears in the box.

  22. Click Close.
    The text box is created.
    Annotation: For information on irresolute the appearance, size, or alignment of form fields, refer to Modifying Form Fields.

Deleting a Text Field

If you lot create a text box and later decide it is not necessary, you can delete it.
Note: If the text box was locked, you have to unlock information technology to perform this procedure.

  1. From the Forms bill of fare, select Add or Edit Fields...
    The Forms toolbar appears.
    forms toolbar

  2. Select the text box past clicking information technology.

  3. Press [Delete].

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